The postpartum core recovery workshop

I wish Postpartum Recovery was something we talked about more in our culture. But as I'm sure you've noticed, it's really not commonly discussed at all. Which is of course why I wrote the Postpartum Core Recovery workshop, and why I run the Motherbody Way membership!

The workshop tells you WHY Core Recovery matters and the Motherbody Way membership teaches you HOW to do it!

I'd love you to know that -

  • It's ok to take your time recovering after having a baby.

  • You don't need to figure out post-birth recovery all alone.

  • There is an excellent, step by step strategy for Postpartum Core Recovery that you can follow.

The Postpartum Core Recovery Workshop covers:

Part 1. Our Misunderstood Motherbody: Why Postpartum Core Recovery Matters. Core injuries and dysfunction, how to recognise them and what to do about them.

Part 2. The Whole Core System: What is Postpartum Core Recovery? Integrating your Pelvic Floor, Breathing & Abdominals.

Part 3. Whole Core Recovery: What you need to do to get better, feel stronger, and like you can trust your body again! Build strength safely, whilst preventing and/or recovering from core injuries.

Watch the first part of the Postpartum Core Recovery workshop above. And sign up here to get the next two parts delivered to your inbox.

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