Homemade Golden Ghee

Homemade Golden Ghee

Ghee is considered by Ayurveda to be an ideal food to support postnatal recovery. It nourishes, hydrates, soothes, and helps replenish the good fats that are transferred from your body to your baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

But, I wonder if you’ve ever tried home made ghee?

It’s SO good. It tastes a bit like milky golden toffee. Quite different to shop bought ghee. And it’s super easy to make. 


  • 500g unsalted organic butter. (Of course you can make more, or less depending on how much butter you have and how big your jug/dish is.)

  • A large 500 ml pyrex jug or oven proof dish.

  • Or a heavy bottom saucepan.

This is the oven method - I most often make ghee this way as it’s super easy and doesn’t require too much attention. You can also make it on the stove top but I find it takes more focus to ensure it doesn’t burn.

Turn the oven to 130 degrees C. Place the butter into the jug or oven proof dish and then pop it into the oven for about 1 hr. 

After an hour the milk solids on top should have turned slightly brown and the rest of the butter will be a melted golden colour with some of the milk solids sunk to the bottom. If you have the oven too high or leave it for too long, it might burn. You’ll know it’s burned if it’s gone a darker brown rather than a glowing golden colour. ☀️

Remove it from the oven and let it cool a little for about 10 mins. Scoop the browned solids off the top and discard. 

Pour the golden yellow ghee through a fine sieve or cheesecloth (I often use a fine tea strainer). Be careful not to pour the white milky stuff at the bottom through though. You can discard the milk solids.

Store in a glass jar. Keep in a cool dark cupboard or in the fridge if you prefer.

Use for cooking, frying or roasting, but I tend to use shop bought ghee for cooking and this super delicious homemade ghee for all the dolloping. You can dollop on top of your spiced rice pudding, porridge, kitchari, dhal, stew, casserole, curry, wherever you like really!


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